To avoid paying higher USCIS fees, it’s important to submit your application before April 1, 2024. Call us today at (213) 375-4084.
The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has announced that fees for a range of immigration-related applications and services will increase on April 1, 2024 according to their final rule. This change comes as part of the agency’s ongoing efforts to cover the costs of its operations and reflect inflationary increases in the cost of processing immigration applications.
According to the USCIS, the fee increases will help to ensure that the agency can continue to provide high-quality services to immigrants, as well as address backlogs in processing times. Here are some key points to note about the upcoming fee changes:
Fee Changes: The USCIS has outlined the specific fee increases for various applications and services, including those related to green cards, naturalization, work permits, and more. The fee changes vary depending on the type of application and service being requested.
Timing: The fee increases will go into effect on April 1, 2024. Applicants who submit their applications before this date will still be subject to the current fee schedule.
Reason for the Increase: The USCIS has cited several reasons for the fee increases, including the need to fund the agency’s operations, address ongoing challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic, and make investments in modernizing its systems and processes.
Impact on Applicants: For those who are planning to apply for immigration benefits or services, it’s important to be aware of the upcoming fee changes and how they may impact the cost of their applications. Some applicants may need to budget for higher fees, while others may need to adjust their timelines for applying.
Fee Waivers and Exemptions: The USCIS provides fee waivers and exemptions for certain individuals who meet specific criteria. These include applicants with low income or who are experiencing financial hardship, as well as certain categories of applicants such as asylum seekers and victims of domestic violence.
Public Feedback: The USCIS has stated that it considered public feedback in determining the fee increases. The agency conducted a public engagement process, including a notice and comment period, to gather input from stakeholders and members of the public.
Additional Resources: The USCIS has provided resources to help applicants understand the fee changes and how they may be impacted. These include frequently asked questions, fact sheets, and other information available on the USCIS website.
USCIS Fee Updates
Family immigration applications are impacted the hardest in these new fee updates. Outlined in the table below are some of our top applications and the new fees associated with them.
Important Immigration Fee Updates on April 1, 2024
Please review the rule for the full list of fee updates by application.
File Before April 1, 2024 to Avoid Fee Increases
It is very important you speak with one of our immigration attorneys as soon as possible so we can submit your application before these fee increases. The sooner you give us a call, the sooner we can file your application. We have a 99% approval rating and a 5.0 star rating on Google. Give us a call at (213) 375-4084 for a free case review today.