Is Your Green Card Expiring?
Your green card or permanent resident card, also known as USCIS Form K-551, proves that you are legally living and working in the United States as a permanent resident. It is a crucial document because if you leave the country on a visit or for any other reason, you will not be allowed back into the country if you do not have this document.
Green cards are now valid for only 10 years, except in certain cases. It is vital that you keep your permanent resident status in force, and ensure that you get your card renewed in a timely manner. If you fail to do so, you could have some serious difficulties because you will no longer be legal to live and work in the country. It is advised that you address this issue 6 months prior to the expiration of your green card. If your card has already expired, or if you need to renew it, it is advised that you contact Los Angeles immigration lawyer Linda Lee of The Immigration Law Office of Los Angeles, P.C. to help you.

Renewing a Green Card: Protect Your Status
If your card is only valid for 2 years, it is crucial to get the conditions removed before your card expires. You MUST file a petition 90 days prior to the card’s expiration date. When your petition is approved, your card will allow you to live and work in the country for another 10 years without requiring a renewal. Those that hold a green card with no expiration date have a very old version.
To know more about this process, please visit:
I-751 Form: Removing Conditions on Green Card
Getting a Replacement Card
If you lost your card, or if was stolen or damaged, or when you need to change the information on your card, Attorney Michael Piston can help you get a replacement card. If you got a green card before the age of 14, once you reach age 14, you are required to replace the card. When dealing with the immigration service, it is always wise to have legal help.
Don’t Lose Your Permanent Resident Status
If you don’t file the correct petition to renew your card, you could lose your permanent resident status. This could lead to very serious problems, including deportation, or the inability to work legally. Attorney Michael Piston advises that you contact him immediately so he can help you get your green card renewal handled quickly and correctly, based on your personal situation. Give us a call at (213) 375-4084 to discuss your case today.